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Claims Carbon





"Start Ventures has been super supportive and helpful in many ways. Just to name a few: they introduced us to potential clients; helped us establish meaningful proof of concepts internally; and they support our day-to-day operations whenever we ask (attracting talent, providing legal advice, among others), and always with quick turnaround times. We are really happy to have them as investors and we love the fact that they are focused exclusively on FinTech, as they have more meaningful insights than the average VC in our space"

[ Fraudio ]Nathan Troudsell, COO/CFO

"Start Ventures has been a key element for hAPI. They were crucial for our growth since they introduced us to several possible partners and clients. We felt that, since we are a startup, it was also a plus to have them as a market player investor. It was good for the initial credibility and confidence from the clients. We must also point out the total availability shown whenever necessary."

[ hAPI ]Diogo Nesbitt, CEO

"Start Ventures has provided us with great support and insightfulness. Their experience and industry contacts have helped us form new collaborative alliances making full use of our pioneering expertise. Start Ventures continue to support us internally as well, through assistance with attracting talent and providing legal advice. We are very happy and are looking forward to many more years working in partnership to help grow our business globally."

[ Kirontech ]Omar Chebli, CEO

"Start Ventures has been a fundamental supporter in our early stage of journey to help us connect with strategic partners including clients and insurance companies, providing strategic advice on business model, go to market, hiring and is a key contributor when it comes to setting up our European operations including regulatory licences.
We are super happy to have them as our investors and are very thankful for the deep knowledge and expertise they have shared with us in the insurtech space."

[ Jove ]Amanda Cai, CEO

"Start Ventures has proven to be an invaluable partner for our company, providing unwavering support and guidance in various aspects. Their enthusiasm and exclusive focus on Fintech are what sets them apart, allowing to bring relevant know-how and meaningful network connections. I reckon our partnership has been very valuable and rewarding."

[ Youverse ]Pedro Torres, CEO